Facebook has launched a new version of login system for third party apps. It allows users to login annonymously in order to first they can experience the app before giving their personal data. login service for mobile apps has given complete control to user on what data he would like to Further, it gives complete freedom on what type of data you would like to share with the app. Facebook’s share and what data he don’t want to share.
Another advantage is that your experience with the app can still be synched without giving your any personal information. This is possible because Facebook uses a unique identifier every time a user login annonymously. Thus, even if you remain annonymous to the app, still it can save your data and synch it across the devices.
Although, appropriate way to understand this is what this featuer really means. It actually allows users to remain annonymous to third party and still be able to use the app, before you really decide to give your data to the app. But in this case also, Facebook still gathers your data to personalize your experince and to show you ads accordingly.