We all know that dig.com, delicious.com, reditt.com, stumbleupon.com & Folked.com are websites for social bookmarking which helps to bring traffic on to your website. To get more traffic and more visitors from these websites and get your listing on the front page is not an easy task. Here are some tips which will positively help you.
Tips for Bookmarking:
Title: The first and the foremost thing, which is very essential is the title of the post. Many times the post remains unnoticed just because of the bad headline which doesn’t contain enough information. Try to make the title more appealing with enough information. This will increase the chances of your post of getting listed on the first page and getting more votes.
Right Category: The second thing which you should make keep in mind is to submit the post under the right category. You will find number of categories in these websites, like business, news, internet, technology, health and many others. So you should submit the post under that category which is related to your post. If you submit a post which is related to business in the health category, then it will not bring any results. So make sure that you are selecting the right category for your post.
Keyword and Tag: The next important point is the keyword and tag selection. The right keywords selection helps the search engine crawling process, which automatically increases the traffic on your post. Use the appropriate keywords and tags for the post, so it helps the search engine to bring your post on the search page, which automatically result in more visitors.
Description: A good title is very essential for any post but a good description is equally important. Any visitor coming to your post will not read anything more than the first two or three sentences of your post. The first paragraph plays a vital role for a successful bookmarking. So, you need not write lengthy description, which is not going to make any sense. In order to catch the attention of the visitor you just need a short and meaningful description, which describes everything.
Content is the king any activity related to Search Engine Optimization. Try making your post simple and sweet, which influences the visitors to bookmark your website. Make a user-friendly profile in social bookmarking websites. Also cooperate with other book-markers by commenting on their post, which will increase you network.
Sufalam Technologies offshore web development company based India providing services to the several clients worldwide which include big corporate, non-profit organizations, IT firms and individuals. You can Hire SEO Experts from Sufalam Technologies, who have experienced in on page and off page optimization. It includes social bookmarking services, directory submission, article submission, press release submission, classified listing, forum posting, social media optimization and commenting.
For more details please refer this URL https://www.sufalamtech.com/